Monday, March 30, 2009

Student Learning and Assessment

1. How do I assess student learning?

I assess student learning using a rubric/checklist. I check that they have all of the requirements I have asked for in the assignment.

2. How do I involve students in the assessment process?

I give students a copy of this rubric/checklist along with the assignment to use as they write/create their blog. This checklist lets them know what they need to write, how to write it and how to their points will be earned. They can use the sample blog along with the rubric/checklist to see what is expected.Students will also read each others' blogs. This means they are informally assessing each other as they respond to the written content of 2 peers.


  1. Thanks for putting these up. The writing assignments you mentioned in an earlier post is a good way to understand student learning.

  2. It sounds like we do our assessments very much alike. I am intrigued with the idea of using blogs with students. Ihad never thought much about that until lately. Do the students enjoy doing this or is it a real chore. Also, is it hard for you to keep up? Do you respond to each student's blog entry?

  3. I like using rubrics also but I also must give quizzes and test because of the subject that I teach.
